A Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC) Story
Birth of Lewis
“Hi Ed,
I am so grateful to you for sharing your professional wealth of knowledge and your own personal experience of childbirth in your online course.
I believe having confidence and the right mindset contributed to minimal medical intervention during my labour and I am so proud of myself for giving birth to our beautiful baby boy Lewis.
Since joining your course I believe childbirth, like a marathon is a case of mind over matter. I just kept thinking of the coffee plunger analogy and had confidence in my body to do what it needed to do.
Shane and I completed your online course conveniently in the comfort of our home in small chunks after work in the evenings once our 4yo son Tom was in bed.
After having a C section with Tom and really going into his delivery clueless, this time I decided to learn more about childbirth and my options.
My aim was to have a VBAC, with the hope of having a speedier recovery with a busy 4yo boy at home to look after as well as the baby once he arrived.
The content and delivery style really suited us as after researching all our options we decided we both wanted a no fuss clinical “education” with some practical advice and tips on the labour process.
Keep doing what you are doing, it made huge positive difference to Shane and my experience of childbirth.
Thank you”
Katie & Shane